European Research Funding
Horizon 2020, the EU research and innovation framework programme, is complemented by various Joint Planning Initiatives (JPIs) aimed at coordinating member states’ research programmes and developing a joint research agenda. As a third pillar of European Research Funding, the ERA-Nets focus on research cooperation in the EU and the submission of joint calls.
Horizon 2020
The framework programme Horizon 2020 combines the EU's funding for research and innovation activities into one single programme. It is made up of three parts, aiming at e.g. improving networking and mobility among scientists, supporting research and development in businesses and enhancing research on societal challenges.
You can find further information on the framework programme on, a website run by the EU-bureau of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). For counselling on EU-funding opportunities and calls for proposals on sustainability research, you can turn to the National Contact Point Environment.
You can find calls for tender via the Participant Portal of the European Commission. The search mask will help you to identify suitable calls.
JPI – Joint Programming Initiatives
Joint Programming Initiatives seek to complete and further develop a European Research Area by coordinating national research programmes. Together, the member states develop a common strategic research agenda for important future-related issues.
You can find further information on Joint Programming Initiatives on the dedicated website of the BMBF's EU-Bureau.
These are the JPIs, which are relevant for the BMBF's Research for Sustainable Development (FONA):
FACCE-JPI (Food Security, Agriculture, Climate Change)
JPI Climate
JPI Oceans
JPI Water
ERA-Nets also aim at enhancing a European Research Area: member states coordinate their national research programmes and create common calls for proposals. The European Commission supports these activities with financial contributions.
Visit the dedicated Website of the BMBF's EU-Bureau for further information on ERA-Nets. You can find ERA-Net calls on the Netwatch portal.
ERA-Nets with German participation and relevance for FONA-research topics:
BONUS-169 (Science for a better future of the Baltic Sea region)
FACCE-ERA-NET plus (Food Security, Agriculture, Climate Change)
ERA-MIN (Raw Materials)
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