
Project sheets "Water Security in Africa" (WASA)

16 pages
Publisher: BMBF
Release: 02/2025

Proceedings MEWAC Module B Final Conference

18 pages
Publisher: PTKA
Release: 12/2024

Green Hydrogen Production in Namibia – Report

Namibia has one of the largest renewable energy potentials and is eager to leverage this potential through the production of green hydrogen. Within the framework of the GreeN-H2 Namibia project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, DECHEMA has published a report that places Namibia’s green hydrogen efforts into a global context.

21 pages
Publisher: DECHEMA, Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.
Release: 11/2024

Status Seminar Proceedings

Proceedings of the 2024 Status Seminar

56 pages
Publisher: PTKA
Release: 06/2024

Participation for Transformation. Concepts, Approaches and Insights for European Cities

160 pages
Publisher: BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
Release: 01/2024

Project briefs for GRoW follow-up projects


4 pages
Publisher: BMBF
Release: 03/2023

MEWAC Project Briefs Module B

8 pages
Publisher: BMBF
Release: 01/2023

MEWAC Project Briefs Module A

6 pages
Publisher: BMBF
Release: 01/2023

IWRM Zayandeh Rud_Implementation

2 pages
Publisher: BMBF
Release: 11/2022

Broschüre zur SALAM-Initiative

98 pages
Publisher: Verbundprojekt SALAM 2
Release: 11/2022

Status Seminar Proceedings

Proceedings of the 2022 Status Seminar

65 pages
Publisher: MOST
Release: 10/2022

Lab Togo: Development of an affordable and fuel-flexible biomass burner for clean cooking in Togo: Analysis of environmental and climate impacts

1 pages
Publisher: Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum (DBFZ)
Release: 05/2022

Research Agenda Polar Regions in Transition

Leading experts from various fields of German polar and marine research presented an executive summary of the MARE:N concept paper “Polar Regions in Transition” to the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In 15 chapters, the paper presents recommendations on the areas in which polar and marine research should be particularly committed in the coming years. The BMBF will take up the recommendations at short notice, developing future research programmes in the context of pending political processes and national, European and international frameworks.

26 pages
Publisher: MARE:N "Research Agenda Polar Regions in Transition" Scientific Advisory Board
Release: 11/2021

Projektblätter zur Fördermaßnahme Regionales Phosphor-Recycling (RePhoR)

16 pages
Publisher: BMBF
Release: 03/2021

Ergebnisse der Projekte 2021 englisch

55 pages
Publisher: Vernetzungs- und Transfervorhaben „RessWInn“
Release: 03/2021

Number of entries: 80