ECCA 2025 – 7th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference

The biannual European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA2025) will take place in Rimini, Italy, from 16 to 18 June 2025. It is the central event for climate change adaptation in Europe, at which the latest results of climate research and pioneering experiences from application cases are exchanged.

The ECCA2025 brings together researchers, decision-makers, practitioners and other relevant stakeholders. Its aim is to share research results, innovative policy developments and solutions, and practical implementation experiences.

The sessions will cover the following topics:

  • Living with climate extremes
  • Managing cities to be fit for the future
  • Protecting coastal and mountain areas
  • Human and legal dimensions of change
  • Adaptation finance: reducing communities' economic or social vulnerabilites

The conference is organised by the Joint Programming Initiative 'Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe' (JPI Climate) and the MAGICA project with the support of the EU. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has been supporting the JPI Climate initiative since 2010 and was a major co-funder of the first ECCA conference, which took place in Hamburg in March 2013.