Field of action 8: Innovative regions
We want strong, attractive and sustainable regions throughout Germany. That is why we want to promote innovation-based, resource-saving and climate-friendly structural change that will secure prosperity and jobs.
Regions where lignite mining is still taking place today are particularly affected by structural change. The coal phase-out by 2038 poses unique challenges. This is because the regional development of the lignite regions is part of a more profound social transformation. Such a process is a generational project that depends on innovation and needs to involve the rural area and the local people from the very beginning. Regardless of whether or not an area was a former coal region, structural change must create an equivalent quality of life across the board in urban and rural areas and provide access to mobility, education and infrastructure. This also means countering demographic pressure on cities and making rural regions attractive locations for business and innovation. We address these issues through our actions in FONA.

We want to form structural change in coal-mining areas through research and innovation.

We want to jointly develop viable strategies for urban and rural areas to make our regions sustainable and fit for the future.

We want to secure people’s mobility with innovations and at the same time improve the quality of the environment and the quality of life in urban and rural areas.
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