Mangan Conference - Manganese-based Compounds as Catalysts for Water Splitting

The generation of hydrogen from electrochemical splitting of water, electrolysis, is without doubt one of the key technologies in a sustainable energy scenario. The MANGAN project is dealing with manganese-based compounds as electrocatalysts for electrochemical water splitting. The project is generously funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education. MANGAN comprises 15 sub projects and 25 research groups from Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Max Planck Institutes for Iron Reasearch and for Chemical Energy Conversion, the technical universities of Aachen, Berlin, and Darmstadt, as well as the universities of Bochum, Duisburg-Essen, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Freiburg, Gießen, and Mainz and a partner from industry.

The broad expertise of the project partners includes synthesis of diverse manganese-based compounds such as well-defined manganese oxides or manganese-impregnated carbon composites, new electrode architectures and substrate materials, fundamental electrochemistry and standardized measurements, high-end spectroscopic techniques and theoretical modelling. The aim of the project is not so much a device but fundamental research to define the boundary conditions under which manganese-based compounds might have the potential to replace existing but pricey water splitting catalysts on the basis of noble metals.

After a successful start of the project in May 2015, all partners meet to discuss the most recent results this fall in Harnack Haus in Berlin. We are seeking to present our findings to a wider audience so everybody who might be interested in top-level research on manganese-based compounds as water splitting catalysts is most welcome to attend! Please register early as the number of participants is limited.

Free registration and further information
Dr. Sebastian Neugebauer
Max-Planck-Institut für chemische Energiekonversion
Stiftstraße 34-36, 45470 Mülheim a. d. Ruhr