German-French Cooperation on Sustainable Resource Technologies
The joint announcement forms the basis for a stronger network of research and development for new raw material technologies in Germany and France. Synergies from the combination of existing competences and experiences and the shared use of established networks and research infrastructures shall be opened up consequently at this.

Germany and France want to use the future European innovation partnership for raw materials for a closer cooperation. The bilateral cooperation shall create added value for the new European framework program for research and innovation "Horizon 2020", especially for the therein mentioned societal challenges "climate protection, resource efficiency and raw materials". Furthermore, the conformation of the European innovation partnership raw materials as well as the objectives of the European technology platform for sustainable mineral resources (ETPSMR) shall be supported.
With the funding measure with the full title "promotion of the scientific and technological cooperation between Germany and France on sustainable technologies for extraction, processing and substitution of raw materials of strategic economic importance", the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, in cooperation with the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), aims to promote the research and development of sustainable raw material technologies within German-French joint research projects.
Based on this announcement, German contributions to the German-French joint projects will be funded. The funding measure is embedded in the BMBF-program "raw materials of strategic economic importance for high-tech made in Germany", which was published in October 2012. The funding of the French contributions is carried out by the ANR in accordance with their local announcement "Materials and Processes for High Performance Products (MatetPro)".
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