MYrisk – Multiple risks management of extreme events in fast growing (mega)cities in Myanmar
The transdisciplinary research project MYrisk aims at developing a sustainable, integrative, and culturally appropriate urban risk management for the megacity Yangon, Myanmar. Scientific concepts will be developed and made applicable for other fast growing (mega)cities in Myanmar and Southeast Asia.
The aim of the transdisciplinary research project MYrisk is to improve risk prevention of institutions and households and to reduce the consequences of multiple risks in Yangon, Myanmar. Scientific concepts of sustainable, integrative, and culturally appropriate urban risk management will be developed and made applicable for other fast growing (mega)cities in Myanmar and Southeast Asia.
With the participation of decision-makers and stakeholders – from government, administration, academia, the private sector, and civil society – in the megacity Yangon as well as the capital Nay Pyi Taw and the three largest regional metropolises Mandalay, Taunggyi and Mawlamyine, an integrative risk management system is being developed. This includes a metadata inventory, a cooperation and communication concept of institutional risk prevention, culturally adapted risk prevention (awareness and education programs, protection of personal documents), a precautionary concept for system-relevant small and medium-sized enterprises (safeguarding critical infrastructure) and exchange platforms for sustainable 'build back better' strategies.
Currently, the project is in the research and development phase (01.05.2021-30.04.2025), during which the following aims are to be achieved:
- establishment of a metadata inventory on existing databases
- strengthening institutional preparedness and exchange
- conceptualization and evaluation of an effective, inclusive, culturally adapted prevention program for the civil society, in raising awareness on natural disasters and personal preparedness, incl. the loss of personal documents
- conceptualization of a prevention program for the loss of the economic basis with a focus on system-relevant services, such as private clinics, food, and water providers
- conceptualization of a dialogue platform for innovative ideas for build back better strategies in the Covid-19 pandemic
Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas
Universität zu Köln – Geographisches Institut
50923 Köln
Tel.: 0221/470-7050
Project partners:
Dr. Marlene Willkomm
Stadtentwässerungsbetriebe Köln - Hochwasserschutzzentrale
Ostmerheimer Straße 555
51109 Köln
Tel.: 0221/221-24242
Dr. Christian Miller
Feuerwehr Köln – Institut für Schutz und Rettung
Scheibenstraße 13 50737 Köln
Tel.: 0221/9748-9999
Further project partners:
Yangon City Development Committee
Myanmar Environment Institute
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