TRAINER: Trans- and interdisciplinary support research project for the BMBF programme "Sustainable Development of Urban Regions”
Networking, synthesis and transfer – these are the main activities of the TRAINER support research project. The support team promotes the individual research projects and raises cross-project synergy potentials to the SURE programme level.

The funding priority »Sustainable Development of Urban Regions« in Southeast Asia and China is supported by a networking, transfer and synthesis project. The SURE-project takes over the scientific and organisational support for the overall funding priority and its associated research projects. The project is jointly carried out by HafenCity University Hamburg, Fachhochschule Lübeck and TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH and engages in three areas:
Intra-programme networking, knowledge management and communication
The programme support team encourages the continuous exchange between the SURE projects and promotes the cross-project communication with thematically related organisations. Knowledge sharing and networking is motivated in workshops and on a digital collaboration platform. This approach generates synergies at the programme level and initiates learning processes.
Scientific communication and public relations, external networking and transfer of results
The team organizes networking with relevant "scientific communities" and practitioners beyond the SURE programme. The main objective is to initiate a transfer of gained results in science and practice, enabling SURE to have a contribution with sustainable impact. The team's activities foster implementation-related applications and the scaling of new knowledge in practice.
Scientific programme support, monitoring as a cross-sectional task
A main objective is to situate the innovation content of the overall programme within the research landscape. In order to investigate the actual effectiveness of the gained research results and produced applications, the SURE team conducts impact analyses. Hereby the transfer impact of the projects as well as the effectiveness of the implemented results can be determined.
Project lead:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Rainer Noennig
HafenCity Universität Hamburg (HCU), Digital City Science
Henning-Vorscherau-Platz 1
20457 Hamburg
Project partner:
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Frank Schwartze
Technische Hochschule Lübeck, Fachgruppe Stadt
Mönkhofer Weg 239
23562 Lübeck
Project partner:
Dr. Márcia Giacomini
TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH, Forschungsmanagement
Am Grauen Stein 27
51105 Köln
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