Health for people and the planet: FoodPlanetH from the BMBF funding measure "Junior Research Groups Climate, Environment and Health" is researching how sustainable diets can contribute to this
How can healthy and sustainable diets be promoted? The junior research group FoodPlanetH investigates the effectiveness of policy measures such as quality standards for school meals, nutrition labelling systems and food taxes.

Nutrition is of crucial importance for human health: Is it balanced or one-sided? Is our food produced in a climate-friendly and sustainable way? These are just some of the questions being investigated by the young researchers of Food-PlanetH (Food Environments for Planetary Health). The aim of the project is to contribute to enabling and promoting a healthy, climate-friendly and ecologically sustainable way of eating in everyday life for everyone through favourable social and political framework conditions by means of scientific findings and their implementation in practice.
The background of the project is the interrelationships between human health, society and our natural livelihoods in the global food system. What resources do we use and how do we use them? Unbalanced dietary patterns with too much fat and sugar are a major risk factor for disease and premature death. But our food system is also a major driver of global environmental change, such as organic farming, which in turn can have positive effects on our health.
The young scientists will conduct research on policies for healthy and sustainable nutrition. By improving production techniques, avoiding food waste and promoting healthy and sustainable dietary patterns, the aim is to minimise disease risks and the ecological footprint of consumers. In doing so, networks for interdisciplinary and intersectoral research and action as well as for a healthy and sustainable food system will be established with partners from politics, practice and the public.
Project management:
Peter von Philipsborn, MD
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research, Pettenkofer School of Public Health
Elisabeth-Winterhalter-Weg 6
81377 Munich
Tel: +49 178 49 83 817
Project partners:
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Munich University of Technology
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