How can sustainable nutrition approaches be used for public health? This is what WeAreOne is researching from the BMBF measure "Junior Research Groups Climate, Environment and Health"
Human, animal and environmental health are closely linked. How can a One Health concept contribute to public health through sustainable nutrition? The junior research group WeAreOne is developing recommendations for action for this purpose.

Human-induced climate change causes environmental changes, such as global warming and smog, which threaten human health as much as that of animals and plants. Within the framework of a One Health approach, the researchers of the junior research group WeAreOne will investigate the interaction of sustainability, nutrition and health. The One Health approach is considered a methodological approach in which different sectors work together to achieve holistic health. Challenges include issues of food security, infectious disease control and managing antibiotic resistance.
A sustainable way of life would release many positive synergies for humans, animals and nature in this regard. However, a consistently sustainable way of life often still encounters many doubts in our societies. Based on knowledge about the conservation of the common goods climate, environment and health, the junior research group WeAreOne examines socio-cultural perspectives and analyses established institutions and legal frameworks for more sustainability.
Thus, first of all, an in-depth understanding of the initial situation of everyday lifestyles (especially societal definition, perception, narratives (= social narratives)) as well as socio-economic and political structures will be developed. For this purpose, an approach of different methods from qualitative and quantitative social research as well as scientific scenario modelling is used.
After developing packages of measures for more sustainability in society, a policy impact assessment and a randomised controlled trial are carried out, among other things to check which interventions can be most effective.
Project lead:
Jun. Prof. Dr Antje Risius
University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd
Institute for Health Sciences
Oberbettringer Str. 200
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
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