Latest call: Joint energy research with France on renewables and smart grids
The German and French ministries of research, BMBF and MESRI, are continuing their successful cooperation in research and development. The latest call is aimed at strengthening the French-German cooperation in energy research as well as the stimulation of innovation processes in both countries. Submission deadline is 9 January 2019.
The projects funded under the framework of the present joint call are expected to promote high-quality research collaborations among researchers in France and Germany in order to provide highly innovative solutions for an efficient, affordable and ecological energy supply of France, Germany and Europe based on renewable energies across different sectors (energy, mobility, industry, and households). Besides technical aspects, the consortia are as well invited to address economic and sociologic challenges within a systemic approach of the energy transition in Europe.
Research to be funded shall address one of the following thematic priorities:
- Conversion and storage of energy from renewable sources
- Smart Grids at transmission and distribution levels
Further information can be found here: Franco-German Call for Proposals on Sustainable Energy