BiodivKI - new knowledge in biodiversity research through artificial intelligence
An important prerequisite for the conservation of biodiversity is the precise monitoring of species populations. To this end, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research funds the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in biodiversity research as part of a new call.
Many methods of AI and digitisation today promise to provide innovative solutions for challenges in nature conservation. In addition to automated species monitoring and the integration of data sets, the analysis of long time series and spatial dynamics as well as comprehensive network analyses are future areas of application and of great importance. AI can also effectively support the investigation of possible future scenarios and conservation measures as well as assessments for safeguarding biodiversity. The use of AI and digitisation can contribute to increasing our understanding of the dynamic interrelationship of biodiversity and ecosystems, and consequently enable significant progress in species conservation.
With the call "Methods of Artificial Intelligence as an Instrument of Biodiversity Research", the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting research projects that expand the range of methods in biodiversity research through AI applications and the innovative use of digitisation.
Within the the call, 14 research projects will initially enter a one-year conception phase. Projects that prove successful in this first phase will then move on to a research and implementation phase of up to three years:
- AI4WildLIVE, Senckenberg Society for Nature Research
- BiodivKI-Lepmon, Friedrich Schiller University
- BioIntAkt, Clausthal University of Technology
- BioMLAgrar, OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Bi-O-Ton, Karlsruher Institute of Technology
- BioWaWiKI, Karlsruher Institute of Technology
- FlubioKI, The Research Institute for Post-Mining Landscapes
- GEBIKI, Helmholtz-Zentrum München – Helmholtz Munich
- iForest, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
- IQ-Wasser, DVGW – German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water" KICS-Zert, The Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
- MikroKIez, The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
- NatureAI, The University of Kassel
- SmartPatrol, The Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research
The call is part of BMBF's "Research Initiative for Conservation of Biodiversity" launched in 2019.
VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (Mathias Boysen, Cristina Krahl-Perez and Dr Patrick Ehrenbrink) administers the call.
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