01.10.2022 31.03.2026
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Biodiversa+ - the European Biodiversity Partnership

The European Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+, co-funded by the European Commission, follows on from the previous ERA network BiodivERsA. With its expanded funding network and budget, Biodiversa+ promotes transnational research projects to build bridges between science, policy and practice.

The European biodiversity partnership Biodiversa+ supports biodiversity research

The progressive loss of biodiversity and intact ecosystems endangers the basis of human life on Earth. In order to preserve biodiversity, a long-term transformation process is necessary that fundamentally changes the relationship between humans and nature.
The challenges and opportunities of this transformation are assesseded by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. The assessment's results will provide relevant guidance for the further design of Biodiversa+. As an important part of the European Biodiversity Strategy, Biodiversa+ gathers 74 funding agencies and environmental policy actors from 37 European and associated countries to work on five main objectives:

  1. Plan and support research and innovation on biodiversity through a shared strategy, annual joint calls for research projects and capacity building activities
  2. Set up a network of harmonised schemes to improve monitoring of biodiversity and ecosystem services across Europe
  3. Contribute to high-end knowledge for deploying Nature-based Solutions and valuation of biodiversity in the private sector
  4. Ensure efficient science-based support for policy-making and implementation in Europe
  5. Strengthen the relevance and impact of pan-European research on biodiversity in a global context

Biodiversa+ has set out the path towards these goals in its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Three complementary Topical Themes and two Cross-cutting Themes structure the work of the partnership:

  • Theme 1 is dedicated to better knowledge on the protection and restoration of biodiversity. The focus is on the status quo, trends and multifunctional landscapes.
  • Theme 2 focuses on actionable knowledge for transformative change. Here, the focus of the work is on impact and dependencies, implementation efficiency and market uptake of nature-based solutions.
  • Theme 3 aims to make the European Union capable of acting on a global level. Teleconnections, i.e. the interaction of spatially distant human and natural systems and their socio-economic and ecological effects, as well as the importance of local drivers and megatrends, are to be mentioned here as guidelines.
  • The two cross-cutting themes (A) for a better knowledge of biodiversity and its dynamics and (B) for a better knowledge to develop, deploy and assess nature-based solutions in the context of global change complete the research strategy.

The objectives of the announcements and the work priorities in Biodiversa+ are continuously coordinated with the processes, actors and stakeholders in research, politics and society.

Previous and current Biodiversa+ calls:

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