18.12.2023 Open end
Application Phase
Selection phase
Funding phase

German-Israeli Cooperation in Water Technology Research

The bilateral cooperation in Water Technology Research between the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space (MOST) was established already in 1974. Since then, 162 projects with Israeli and German partners have led to trusted relations between Israeli and German researchers.

Water in sufficient quantity and quality is an essential basis of life. But global water needs are steadily increasing with a simultaneous rapid decline in natural water resources and water-dependent ecosystems. This applies even more in arid and semi-arid areas. Germany and Israel, both world-renowned manufacturers of water technologies, work together to provide answers to these challenges. As part of the cooperation between the German BMBF and the Israeli MOST, research and development projects in the field of water technology are funded.

The overarching technical spectrum of the cooperation includes:

  • increase of water availability and quality
  • wastewater treatment and reuse
  • energy efficiency in the water sector
  • groundwater investigation and remediation
  • drinking water treatment and health aspects of the drinking water supply
  • integrated water resources management

In 1999, the BMBF and MOST launched an exchange program for young scientists (Young Scientists Exchange Program - YSEP) to promote long term bilateral cooperation. Since then, more than 140 young scientists from Israel and Germany have benefited from the exchange program. Details about the program can be found here.

An overview of ongoing water technology cooperation activities was presented at a status seminar held in Ashdod, Israel, in late October 2022. The conference proceedings are available for download.

There are specific topics for new funding applications to be submitted under the annual calls. The 2023 call focuses on:

  • Biotechnology for water treatment

  • Water reuse in agriculture

The call was open until March 13, 2024.

The status seminar of the water cooperation program celebrating its 50th anniversary, took place in Koblenz, Germany, on June 18-19, 2024. For more information, please see the agenda

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