Climate research (4 projects)
Climate research plays an important role in shaping social and political awareness of the challenges posed by climate change. Climate data and models provide information about how the Earth's ecosystem is changing and form a foundation of knowledge for decision-making. The field of climate change research covers activities in the areas of monitoring, modelling and mitigation. This includes improving surveillance of the earth system and the attribution of environmental and climate changes, creating a better understanding of processes, interaction scales, risks and threshold values, improving the modelling of complex earth systems, data assimilation and predictability, improving understanding and assessment of the extent of future extreme events as well as their mitigation and social impact.

Dr Jed O. Kaplan
Feedback between land cover, people, and climate in the seasonally arid tropics (MONSOON)
The seasonally arid tropics of Africa and South Asia are of crucial importance for understanding the relationship between climate and society in the future. The MONSOON project looks at how climate change and human activities influence the risks of environmental and social disruption. Strategies are then developed in order to ensure the resilience of people and nature in the face of continuing climate change.
Institute: Augsburg University, Institute of Geography
E-Mail: jed.kaplan(at)

Dr Anna Possner
Organisation and Cloud-Radiative Properties of Low-Level Mixed-Phase Clouds
When we look up at the sky, most of the clouds look white. Like all white surfaces, they reflect sunlight. What may perhaps be less obvious is the fact that clouds not only absorb heat, but also emit it thanks to their own temperature. This project focusses on understanding the extent to which these processes are affected by the composition of clouds.
Institute: Goethe University Frankfurt, Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
Website: Link
E-Mail: apossner(at)

Dr Clemens Scheer
Climate change, reactive nitrogen, denitrification and N²O: Identifying sustainable solutions for the globe
This project investigates the relationships between food production, fertilizer use and climate change. It particularly focusses on the effects of land use and farming on the exchange of greenhouse gases between soils, plants and the atmosphere. The aim is to develop strategies for producing larger volumes of food at a lower environmental cost.
Institute: Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-IFU)
Website: Link
E-mail: clemens.scheer(at)

Dr Matthias Tesche
Particles in Aerosol Cloud Interactions: Stratification, CCN/INP concentrations, and Cloud Lifecycle (PACIFIC)
Aerosol particles are of crucial importance when it comes to cloud formation. Aerosol-cloud interactions represent the largest uncertainty in our understanding of climate change. PACIFIC will focus on two innovations in order to improve this: (1) Identifying the characteristics of the aerosol particles relevant to this process and (2) Investigating the temporal changes in cloud properties throughout the cloud life cycle.
Institute: Leipzig University, Institute for Meteorology
Website: Link
E-mail: matthias.tesche(at)
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