Cancelled: CL4.26 Using Earth system science to understand climate change and its impacts: Results of the Franco-German “Make Our Planet Great Again” research initiative and beyond

Abgesagt: Die Session wird von den MOPGA-Fellows (Dr. Henry Wu, Dr. Gayane Asatryan und Dr. Emilie Capron(frz. MOPGA)) organisiert und geleitet. Sie ist Teil des EGU General Assembly 2020 vom 3.-8. Mai in Wien, Österreich.

At the 2015 Paris COP21 climate conference, 195 countries committed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and make efforts to significantly limit man-made global warming to below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. France and Germany joined forces in this fight against global warming by creating the “Make Our Planet Great Again” research initiative covering research in Earth system science that aims to better understand climate change and its impacts on natural and socio-economic systems. In this interdisciplinary session, we welcome data- and model-based research undertaken within, but also outside this international initiative, that provides new insights into the mechanisms of past, present and future climate changes and the associated impacts on the oceans, the cryosphere, coastal regions, and terrestrial systems. Innovative research contributions that can lead towards the ultimate goals of the Paris Agreement ranging from basic research to solution-oriented research are also encouraged.