14.03.2025 Water Management Innovative Solutions for Water Reuse in Agriculture Four new projects on water reuse in agriculture have been launched as part of the German-Israeli Water Technology Cooperation. Researchers from both countries are working together to develop sustainable solutions for one of the biggest future water ... continue
19.02.2025 Climate Improving climate protection by saving energy in the Indonesian textile industry The BMBF project EnaTex developed new solutions to make the textile industry in Indonesia more climate-friendly. With success: up to 40 per cent of the energy consumption can be saved through measures in pre-treatment, dyeing and finishing. continue
10.02.2025 Water Management Call for innovation on water-energy nexus The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding projects on the water-energy nexus with a new call for proposals. The aim is to to significantly improve water and energy efficiency and strengthen the synergies between the two ... continue
15.10.2024 Climate Climate research in West Africa: projects with new findings and tools How is climate change affecting West Africa? How can we tackle the impacts? Six African-German WASCAL research projects developed innovative methods and tools. They presented the results at the final conference. continue
01.10.2024 Water Management International Cooperation for Greater Water Security in Southern Africa The main phase of the "Water Security in Africa" (WASA) research programme is in full swing: more than 100 researchers, industry partners, policy-makers and stakeholders from Germany and southern Africa gathered for the official launch in Stellenbosch, ... continue
19.09.2024 Climate Anniversary: IAGOS research infrastructure celebrates 30th anniversary Since the first measurement flight in 1994, the European research infrastructure IAGOS has developed a measurement technique that is used in commercial airplanes and regularly provide extensive climate data from the atmosphere – with many years of ... continue
17.09.2024 Water Management Joint Call on "Water for Circular Economy" Open The European partnership "Water4All", supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) among others, launched its third Joint Transnational Call on September 12, 2024. continue
09.09.2024 Energy News Youth for Green Hydrogen (Y4H2) Scholarship Programme visibility event in Berlin The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL) are pleased to announce the upcoming JCoI Youth for Green Hydrogen (Y4H2) scholarship ... continue
17.07.2024 Water Management Water4All to launch new Joint Transnational Call in September Pre-Anncouncement: As of September 12, 2024, the new call on "Water for Circular Economy" will be launched in the framework of the European partnership Water4All. continue
05.07.2024News Aligning EU research funding with key sustainability challenges Research and innovation are key drivers of sustainable transformation. At European level, the Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation play an important role. With a view to the tenth framework program (FP10), the Federal Ministry of Education ... continue
21.06.2024 Water Management Working Together to Find Solutions to Water Scarcity Climate change presents new challenges for water management in Germany. In this context, water reuse is becoming increasingly important as a means of coping with local and regional water shortages. Israel's long-standing experience in this field offers ... continue
11.06.2024 Climate Back to the future – simulation of ice age climate for better climate prediction Prof. Gerrit Lohmann explains why the simulation of the climate over the last 130,000 years is so important in order to make more reliable predictions about the development of climate change over the next centuries and millennia. continue
11.06.2024 Water Management New Africa Regional Call The Belmont Forum, an international partnership of funding organizations, science councils and regional consortia, has announced the Africa Regional Call (ARC). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) participates by supporting German ... continue
15.05.2024 Climate BMBF-project PV-2-Heat: Sustainable heating systems for households in Mongolia CO2-free heating and reducing smog in the Mongolian capital. To realise this vision, the project partners adapted the technology of PV-2-Heat systems to the climatic conditions and tested pilot systems in various areas of the city. continue
23.04.2024 Energy Clean cooking fuel with a great impact for southern Africa Burning biomass for cooking causes harmful environmental and health issues. The German-South African GreenQUEST initiative is developing a clean household fuel. It aims to reduce climate-damaging CO2 emissions and to improve access to energy for ... continue